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carhistoryusa.com does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting or government agency. You may not use our service or the information it provides to make decisions about consumer credit, employment, insurance, tenant screening, or any other purpose that would require FCRA compliance.

  • Information about millions of
    cars, trucks and vans from
    around the United States.
  • If information is missing, our
    customer care experts will help
    track it down for you at no
    additional charge.
  • We use a variety of sources to
    verify and find data about used
    cars so you have the most
    information possible.
  • Our system is available on mobile
    devices, so that you can pull up
    the information you need while
    you are at the used car dealership.
  • Make sure you are not buying a
    stolen car.
  • Learn how much the car is
    really worth.
  • Find out if the odometer has
    been messed with.
  • Access even more information!
  • And Much More ...

Why use carhistoryusa.com? You want to use our search service because you want as much information about a used car as possible before you decide to buy it. There are people out there looking to rip you off. We are not affiliated with the government in any way. We are a private company that has developed technology to search through information available about used vehicles and prepare easy to understand reports for you. We can let you know the estimated value of a car, if it has been in a major accident, how many people have owned the car, and other vital information. Other companies claim to offer this service for free, but generally have out of date information or hidden fees. Our site is as up to date as possible, depending on how often a given jurisdiction updates their information. You may be able to access some of our information for free from the government, but that could cost you a lot of time and effort. We make getting the information you need fast and easy.

Refund requests for cancelled Accounts may be made ay any time by contacting us at support@carhistoryusa.com or by calling 1-855-769-9061. Once our support receives your request they will be able to immediately provide a refund to the user back to there original card within 90 days of purchase.

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